Would I have risked my life, Esther-style?

Esther was a pretty radical chick-turned-queen. I would like to believe that I would risk my life for my faith and to defend God, but I am not sure that I would be so willing to put my life on the line to ask for other Christians to be saved.

Now, hear me out before you begin throwing stones...

It is much easier to look at God and know that he is perfect and worthy of my life than it is to look around me, see all the sinful and hateful people in the world, stating that they are Christians, but acting in ways that are un-Christ-like. I'm not meaning the people with genuine love and that are trying to better themselves and live their faith, but make mistakes. I'm talking about people that murder and rape and throw out hate speech, using their "faith" as a building block. The "God hates fags" people or the ones who persecute pastors and churches that reach out and serve prostitutes, post-abortion mothers, rapists, felons, drug addicts, etc.

Would I want to risk dying for them?

Because when I read Esther, I can't help but look at the fact that she did that.

Granted, she would have possibly ended up dead anyways since she was secretly Jewish, and she was trying to save the life of Mordecai (her cousin who became her like adopted father), but in doing so, she ordered for all Jews to be saved.

Maybe I'm off target, but I would assume that not all of those Jews were the good kind. They didn't all worship perfectly, or sacrifice properly, or even live according to the law. I bet many of the Jews that she stood up for were also prostitutes, rapists, murderers, or drunks. Maybe some of them were mean and vile, ugly soul-ed Jews that spewed hate all through the providence in which they lived.

And, I'm not a Bible expert or even remotely well-versed. I am uneducated about the history that surrounds the Old Testament and struggle to understand much of it, honestly. But, either way, I can't help but wonder if I would have stood up for my people.


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