
I get distracted easily.
But it's not even normal distraction. I think it may be a combination of exhaustion and obsessiveness.

I can't focus on anything productive.
I try to get things done and cannot stick to one thing long enough to really do much. The good news is that this week is full of small, tie-up-loose-ends tasks.

My mind wanders to stupid stuff.
It may not really be stupid, and to me, it's all consuming. But it's not conducive to much of anything. And it's always crap that I can't do anything about.

I am very tired.
But I can't ever sleep until I am unable to stay awake. And even then, if I don't go through my routine, I can't fall asleep.

I think too much.
I know, it seems like an oxymoron, but Jose tells me all the time. I can't let a thought go until I have worked out every possible scenerio in my mind. I used to catch myself carrying on imaginary conversations working through things.

Something's gotta give.
I'm hoping that the next few weeks bring some useful changes.

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