Sometimes, I Think Our House HATES Us...

Never in my life have I expected or realized the weird and random problems which arise from being a homeowner.

In four years, we have seen more weird crap that I didn't even know COULD happen. Like this week.

On Wednesday, we got this snow storm. It left us with this pile of snow about a foot tall outside. It also left a pile of snow on the little section of roof that is like a widow's lookout off the master bedroom. There is a door that allows us to walk out, but after the storm, we were unable to open the door.

No biggie...until Thursday night, when I went into the downstairs bathroom, only to notice that there was water dripping down the light fixture. So, upon thinking and investigating, we realized the culprit...the roof.

Because of the snow, we were unable to get out the door, so we cut the screen out and I went out onto the roof. That's when we realized that after the snowfall, the heat from the house had caused the snow to melt. There was about 6 inches of snow on top of three inches of ice which was sitting on top of about two inches of water. Add to the fact that our gutters are straight frozen and it just let the roof hold the water. Just sitting there. And finding it's way into the house.

So, at 9 PM, we went out and took the shovel and removed all the snow and ice and as much of the water as possible from the roof. And the leaking stopped. For the moment.

This morning, the kids were getting ready and I noticed a large puddle on the bathroom floor again, so Jose went back onto the roof to remove the snow and water that accumulated after the small storm that came yesterday.

So, I guess we have a new project to add to our to do list this spring... Boo!


The Porn Widow said...

This is why I hate snow. I'm currently boycotting by wearing flip flops. Join me in the fight against snow!

carlasue476 said...

I'm really considering it! I love like one snowfall...not feet upon feet of it...I'm ready for spring again!