Just Because I Know You Are Dying To Ask...

So, as the day nears it's end, I know you are dying to ask me a few questions. So, to save you the burning feeling inside your mind...I'll answer them (because, of course, I'm already knowing what you would ask).

Q: How do I feel?
A: Right this second, not too bad. I have the heating pad on my back and took another dosage of drugs a couple hours ago that have recently kicked in. I do however have a migraine, which is weird because one of the drugs I took was a pain reliever. I have officially taken three doses of my antibiotics, but this evening around seven, my fever returned and although it didn't go quite so high, it did hit about 101 before my medicine kicked in and took it down.

Q: How is my dad?
A: I don't know. He has not contacted me at all from jail this time. I have spoken to his (soon to be ex) wife via phone and text, but not much. She said something today about him possibly doing 6-12 months in rehab instead of staying in jail, so that'd be interesting.

Q: How is work going?
A: I love it so much. I never dreamed that I could have such a wonderfully perfect job(s) that allowed me to have flexibility and do what I love so much. I seriously never realized that a job could be so amazing. I am able to use my wide array of God-given skills to do a wide variety of tasks to serve Him and others in the community. I seriously love it!

Q: How are the kids?
A: Well, Teo recieved a much needed haircut yesterday. And Isa is her normally mouthy self anymore. I love them both dearly, and Mondays and Tuesdays are the worst days in the week because I work 12 hours and don't see them at all (except to get Isa ready for school). Teo is learning to talk much more (even though it's still quite garbled) and is becoming more able to play alone. Isa is learning to read (which is so awesome) but still can't tie her shoes. Aside from her attitude issues, she's growing into quite a strong and beautiful young lady.

Q: How is my marriage?
A: Good. The weekend away was much needed and removed a lot of our tension. My recent illness crap has made things a little rough, simply because I am too tired and in too much pain to help much around the house, but we did nearly complete the dining room, so that continues to keep us smiling. I haven't thought about the affair much lately, so slowly but surely, it's becoming "normal" again.

Q: How's heARTworks?
A: So awesome. I am amazed at how successful it has become and have a couple orders that I need to finish up. This being sick crap has made me behind a bit, but it'll even out soon. I am looking forward to a couple of the larger projects coming up!

So, that's enough of question and answer time...I'm exhausted and am going to bed...

Seriously though, if you could ask me just one question, what would it be (feel free to ask anoynmously)? I will answer them soon!

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