Reflections on Years Past, Present, and Future - Future

I'm a dreamer and I set big goals. And yes, I generally fail, but here they are, nonetheless. If nothing else, I have learned through writing grants that I need to set quantitive goals, not just qualitative. Here's my list.
  1. Set boundaries. I don't know how to make this quantitative. Just be better able to draw a line between what should and should not affect me.
  2. Focus more on my kids. During week nights, be home together (unless I have to work) and spend quality time together.
  3. Deal with these issues that have plagued me lately. Complete therapy to the point that the doctor dismisses me.
  4. Healthier nutrition. Limit late night snacks. No more regular soda. Drink more water. Limit junk food. Eat breakfast.
  5. More physical activity. Work out at least three times per week.
  6. Make a real attempt to make "me time" - complete at least 50 scrapbook pages by 2012
  7. Organize photos on hard drive from 2005 to 2010. Have all photos printed through 2010.
  8. Clean up ipod files. Go through all songs and clean out duplicates and incomplete songs and name those which are labeled "Track #"
  9. Complete house projects that have been started. That means, complete the craft room, the main floor bathroom, the basement, the full bathroom, fix leaky ceiling, organize our closet, paint the dining room again, sand and stain all trim in the living and dining room
  10. Less time on facebook (although blogging is okay). Limit 1 hour on the computer each night for me.
  11. Paint exterior of house and stain fence.
  12. Go to sleep everynight (with certain exceptions) by 1 AM...starting tomorrow!
  13. Continue to make heARTworks a reality. Fufill 200 orders by 2012.
  14. Create a blog or website with resources for those healing from an affair.
  15. Read more. Completely "read" Jose's action Bible. Read 10,000 pages of other books.
  16. Take at least one mini-vacation out of town and have at least 3 stay-cations.
  17. Sew more. Do at least 5 projects by 2012.
  18. Knit. Make 5 scarves by 2012.
  19. Replace our main doors and storm doors. At minimum, replace the front doors and the side doors.
  20. Drink more milk. 3 glasses a day can't be that hard.
Can I do it? We have 365 days to find out. :)

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