Beaten and Battered by the Day

It's been a hard day. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.

We have had a busy day. Running from here to there. Doing this. Doing that. Go. Go. Go.

On top of it all, I have had this situation with my dad. In case you don't really know the history there, you are free to go here. It's a separate blog about my dealings with him in the past few months. It's not fully consistant or nearly complete, but it's something for me to sort through my thoughts. There's also the beginning of what happened today there.

So, basically, I'm whooped already from the normal holiday madness, then this *thing* comes and makes me more into a Christmas grump, makes me feel more letdown and more upset, and breaks a small piece of my spirit. Sometimes, I wonder if I should just walk away.

Jose and the kids are also exhausted. I kept telling him that he needed to blog a recipe, but he went to bed look for a late post sometime this week. I promise.


Jill said...

girl- i say this because i love you.

you need to stop your running around like a chicken with your head cut off. you need to have one entire day on your calendar that is colored BLACK. black for doing NOTHING.

seriously. you run yourself ragged too much.

love you.

The Porn Widow said...

I am so sorry. I have no idea what it's like to grow up with a father like that. I can feel your heartbreak in your writing. I'm rooting for you guys. I'm so so sorry.