My Blog is So Random.

I wish I was cool enough to know how to streamline make it focus on one thing, topic, element of me. But, I don't. So I can't. I'm so multifaceted. And layered.

Like an onion, as put best by Shrek. But it's not just emotions. I'm just so random and sporatic anyways. At any given point, I have 6,345,231 things running through my mind. And my blog reflects that. So, my blog is me, right? Hehe.

Maybe I'm like a pizza. A supreme or "the works" kinda pizza. One bite, you get a pepperoni; then next, a green pepper. Each bite is different, but wonderful, of course. Except when you get that one bite where the crust is burnt or the pineapple from other pizza ended up, and then your tongue cries out, "Bleck, what WAS that?!"...but I'm sure I have those moments too. My adult temper tantrums. My times of freaking out.

So, my blog should be called, My Supreme Pizza Kinda Life. Bahaha!

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