Giving Thanks

This is my 26th year of celebrating Thanksgiving. As such, here is my list of what I am thankful for:

  1. God. He is the One.
  2. Christ. That He came, suffered, and died for me. That He rose again.
  3. Love. The ability to love and be loved by friends, family, and more.
  4. My husband and kids. How amazing it is to have them here with me.
  5. Family and friends. There are people in my life that I could not have made it without.
  6. Health. The blessing that we have not endured any major health ailments.
  7. Freedom. The freedom to speak, walk, talk, and do things to practice my faith.
  8. Work. The fact that I am able to work and that I love what I do.
  9. Art. An amazing opportunity to create a small business of my hobby.
  10. Food. Being able to afford it and have such a luxury of abundance.
  11. Good attitudes. The smile of others that lights my days.
  12. Abilities. The blessings from God that have gotten me where I am today.
  13. Anchor church. An amazing pastor and an amazing congregation makes an amazing church.
  14. Luxuries. Those things that I have that are wants and not needs.
  15. Our home. Although it's not much and it requires constant work, I love it and am grateful.
  16. The next generation. Everyone talks about how horrible they are, but I see my kids and think, it can't be that bad.
  17. Writing. The thing that makes my brain sort and that allows me an outlet.
  18. Lives Touch. I am thankful to God for allowing me and others to reach out and touch lives for the better.
  19. Sweet escapes. Things like hot baths, books, solitare on my phone. Things that give me an escape.
  20. Enemies. The people who don't like me or who have a bad feeling against me. They make me continually question myself and my motives for better.
  21. Technology. As much as it is a pain, it really does help. Appliances, computers, vehicles. Truely amazing.
  22. My city. I love it, the size, the people, my location within it.
  23. Faults and Shortcomings. They give me something to work on and goals to set.
  24. Crafts and Sewing. Also a sweet escape, but the ability to piece and produce a product.
  25. My past. As hard as it was at times, it shaped me and for that, I am grateful.
  26. My future. Whether I die tomorrow or in 40 years, I am so thankful that I have a tomorrow.
What are you thankful for?

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