Big Girls Just Dance

If you don't have Just Dance 2 (or Just Dance for that matter) and you own a wii, you are missing out on the best workout, the most giggles, and, in my opinion one of the funnest games ever.

Basically, all you do is hold the wii-mote in your hand and dance using the television avatar as if it were a mirror. You do what the person on the screen does. I love it.

I love the songs. I love the dance moves. I love that I can play with my 1-year-old and my 5-year-old. I love that I get sweaty and my heart beats hard and I get a workout without even realizing it. And, of course, I love that I win.

We bought the first one shortly after buying our wii last January. It was $20 on sale and it looked fun. Needless to say, I didn't realize the joy that would come of the purchase.

This game has allowed me to see tons of friends dance that won't normally bust a move. My dad has been seen shaking it with Isa. I have seen Jill's hubby and my husband dancing duet songs (where it's a male/female dance that coordinates moves), I have watched a very ghetto friend dancing to a Lady Gaga song. It's that amazing.

Well, I have a tendency to fall in love with the songs on the game. The one that I keep hearing when I fall asleep at night, playing on repeat in my head, is this one: "Big Girls (You Are Beautiful)" by Mika. Love it.


Shebecomes said...

We were just talking about getting that! Honestly, our wii has been collecting a little dust, but I think things may change :)

carlasue476 said...

:) Do you have the Just Dance games? I promise. It won't be dusty much longer! :D