Snow Man, Snow Boy, and Snow Girl

On Wednesday, we decided to make the most of the snow day. After I spent most of the day locked in my bedroom working, Jose and the kids went out to play in the snow and shovel. I couldn't resist following them out to snap a couple photos of the blizzard-ish snow.

Such a fiesty little snowgirl...not quite yet covered in snow.

The cutest little snowman. He's smiling...can't you tell?

While the snowman shovels, the snowman "throws" snowballs at him.

I looked over and the snowgirl was eating snow.

The cutest snowpeople ever. I love them.

And this is how my snowboy liked to eat snow...fortunately, his "mouth" was unable to get too cold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really cute kiddos, y'all need another one.