Intentional Time

It's been a crazy few days. Just when I think it's slowing down...VRRROOOM! It's just so busy!

Well, since Jose has been working overtime for two weeks straight, I decided today to do something special. We have been so busy and so GO GO GO, that I wanted to have a nice time tonight.

I got home from my conference (which was amazing!) around seven and cleaned the house. I made dinner as Jose and the kids arrived home and Teo went to bed. We sent Isa upstairs to watch a movie and clip coupons while we had a candle lit dinner (the babysitter fed the kids) with Pepsi Max in champane glasses. It wasn't amazing dinner, since I can't cook, so thankfully Contessa makes frozen meals.

We chatted and it was nice. We haven't had time for that in a long time.

Then after dinner, Isa came down. We played hangman, the dot game, and tic tac toe for a bit before putting her to bed.

It was refreshing. :) I want more intentional times like that!

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