Card Tricks or Treats?

Isa spent like an hour this morning, telling my why Teo isn't allowed to play with her cards. [She is this, like, card collector - playing cards, baseball cards, pieces of cardboard tags of new clothes, domino game pieces, etc. You name it, she has it.]

Her reasons included: "He will tear them up", "He will put them in his mouth", "Teo will chew on them", etc.
She even stressed to me that Mamaw Sue said that Teo's not allowed to play with cards.

Finally, I told her to give Teo another chance to show that he's a big boy and that he won't tear them up. That lasted about 20 minutes, which was a success in my book. Then, I took his card privledge away.

So, can someone please explain to me why, about a half hour after Isa went through this whole ordeal to keep Teo from tearing up her cards, I look across the room where both kids are sitting, watching Hey Arnold! and see Isa, with a half eaten card in her hand and the rest of the card in her mouth!

Oy vey!

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