Wonder Why I'm Exhausted and Have a Migraine?

This was my approx. schedule last night:

12:14 AM - Lay down and play solitare on my iPod. This is a nightly routine.
12:23 AM - Turn off iPod and lay down to sleep.
12:25 AM - Sleeping.
1:47 AM - Teo crawls into our bed. He snuggles in between us and begins to talk.
1:48 AM - I'm having crazy half-asleep dreams about playing with the kids on the corner of a busy intersection.
2:21 AM - Teo starts wiggling and is bored.
2:23 AM - Crazy dreams resume.
2:36 AM - Teo starts crawling on top of me, kicking me in the ribs, playing with my face, etc.
2:38 AM - I am awake, almost preferring the crazy dreams.
2:52 AM - I tell Jose to put Teo back in bed.
2:54 AM - I hear snoring. Teo is still using me as a jungle gym.
2:55 AM - I tell Jose to put Teo back in bed.
2:58 AM - I hear snoring. Teo is still using me as a jungle gym.
2:59 AM - I tell Jose to put Teo back in bed.
3:01 AM - Jose returns to bed, growling and grumbling. I am growly and grumbly.
3:05 AM - We say sorry and within seconds are sleeping again.
3:06 AM - I begin to have nightmares about water damage in the house due to the "drip drip" I hear falling into the bucket in my bedroom. Yes. Our roof leaks.
3:42 AM - Teo comes into the bedroom, crying "Biper! Biper!"
3:43 AM - A wet diaper lands on the bed next to me. Teo is naked from the waist down.
3:46 AM - Teo is back in his bed, wearing a fresh diaper.
3:47 AM - I lay down and immediately fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
4:38 AM - Teo comes into the bedroom, crying "Biper! Biper!"
4:40 AM - I look at Teo, his diaper is wet and hanging around one thigh only.
[Note: Yes, I understand that it would have made sense to put pants on him after the first diaper removal, but it was 3:46 AM and I was half asleep.]
4:48 AM - Teo is back in his bed, wearing a fresh diaper and a pair of shorts.
5:49 AM - I lay my head on the pillow.
5:50 AM - Jose's alarm goes off. He hits snooze. I threaten his life.
6:00 AM - Alarm goes off again. I hear him and feel him changing the alarm for me.
6:12 AM - Isa comes into my bed. I continue sleeping.
6:17 AM - Isa slides down to the beanbag that she moved into our bedroom and turns on PBS. I continue sleeping.
6:38 AM - Isa tells me she's going to go get cereal. I resume sleeping.
6:42 AM - Isa returns to the beanbag and tv. I keep sleeping.
6:58 AM - Isa is coughing all crazy. I tell her to stop. I go back to sleep.
7:04 AM - Isa is coughing all crazy. I tell her to get a drink. I go back to sleep.
7:10 AM - Isa is coughing all crazy. I tell her to drink water. She said it didn't help. I ask her where her cup is. She replies, "In my bedroom." I tell her to get her cup. I return to sleeping.
7:42 AM - Isa is coughing all crazy. I tell her to stop. I go back to sleep.
7:45 AM - My alarm goes off. I hit snooze. Isa is coughing all crazy. I tell her to stop. I go back to sleep.
7:55 AM. My alarm goes off. I give up.

1 comment:

The Porn Widow said...

Hi! Jill sent me over to check out your blog. I must say it looks like you've been through a thing or two and come out swinging! Well done!

What an adorable family!

God bless !