Thanksgiving Dinner 2 of 3

[Note: I didn't get any pictures of Thanksgiving Dinner 1 of 3.]

Here's my method of counting who attended Thanksgiving Dinner 2 of 3, which took place at our house.

There was me and Jose (1 & 2)

Our two kids (3&4)


My dad (5)

My sister, Jillian, and her friend, Jill (6 & 7)


My brother-in-law, Martin, and his girlfriend (8 & 9)


My sister-in-law, Veronica, and her husband who is the one in the striped shirt. I couldn't catch a picture. (10 & 11)


Their kids (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, & 17)


And their three nephews, although I'm missing a photo of one of the boys (18, 19, & 20)


My other sister-in-law, Melisa, and her fiance, Mike, and I didn't get a photo of either of them. (21 & 22) Their three boys (23, 24, & 25)


So, the grand total was TWENTY-FIVE!

Here are some additional pix from the night that quickly became my favorites:

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