It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like....


Yesterday, we set up our Christmas decorations. For us, that means a tree, stockings, and a nativity set. We are pretty simple folk.

So, it began with the tree. While Daddy set up the actual tree (fake) and the lights and tinsel, the kids ran around like spider monkeys. This included breaking into random song and dance. And "helping" with the tinsel.


Then, they helped Daddy put the ornaments on the tree, one by one.


And finally, the star on top. (Yes, we have a goofy tree with an itty bitty star. Oh well.) Then, I had three happy kids two happy kids and a happy hubs.


They even managed to take a couple of decent photos.


After the decorating, it was hot cocoa time. Mommy made hot cocoa (I'm pretty sure I shoulda been a barista!).

It was yummy! :)


Then, we sat in front of the fire, drinking and talking. At least, for a lil' while. Then the kids got bored and hyper and started jumping around and yelling and doing all sorts of crazy stuff, so the nice peaceful afternoon was over.


Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.



Jill said...

shane and i were looking at this post together and he said "dang...that's a big ol' tall tree!" I had to explain to his stupid self that it was on a table!

ps. it looks like your stockings are going to catch on fire!

carlasue476 said...

Yea, the tree looks 500% better when it's packed full of presents underneath! It kinda looks goofy like it is now. However, we don't want a bigger tree until Teo gets a little older and learns not to play with it. (Maybe next year?)

And it does, but they were safe. I promise.