The random photos of our life

My sister-in-law came over for dinner one night with her kids (Maria, Jesus, Edgar, Evonne, and Angela) we have Isa and Teo on the swing with Maria and Angela...too cute!

This is one of their favorite places to be...and Teo has transformed into a flippin' monkey...

We cleaned up Teo's room, serious deep cleaning. Then, after that point, he has refused to sleep in his bed and insists on crashing on the beanbag.

The neighbor girl showed Isa how to pop the lenses out of her 3D movie! A new toy!

Teo likes them too!

He took my bandana! He's so cute...I swear.

This is puppy, but she lives on the farm with my mom...xoxoxo!
Isa and her friend, at their kindergarten "graduation" ceremony.

My mom demanded requested that I took Teo to her house to take some wheat photos. He hated it. But he's still cute!

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