I Really Don't Have Time To Post...

I have worked 23 hours in the last 2 days. I think I am scheduled to have about another 25 hours in the next 2 days.

I have 15 pages of a grant narrative written. The maximum number of pages is 40. I have no idea how to make it so short. I have a 2 page long to-do list of what still needs to be written about. I hope to have the 40 page narrative plus the additional 10 or so pages of attachements done by Monday.

I spent about 5 hours on Monday rearranging and decorating the church. We are revamping a total of 8 areas and 7 bulletin boards. Thursday, I anticipate about 5 more hours to completion.

I have had 4 meetings and have 4 more before the week is over (as my schedule is now). I also spent 2 hours in a waiting room today for a client. I read about 38 more pages of my When Helping Hurts book.

We have had 3 photo shoots so far, with 4 more to go this week and 2 that have been rescheduled for next week. Those photos will be made into a 30 second PSA for our 7 partner coaltion.

I have done all this in temperatures that are above 90 degrees. I have used 5 air conditioners and 5 fans (not the same time or the same place) to remain cool. I also subject myself to showers with the water no warmer than 50 degrees to lower my body temperature.

I have broken into a sweat approximately 418 times in two days. I have gone through about 21 strokes of deodorant upon my underarm.

And, I've only had 1 night of sleep amongst it all...so I'm going to bed right now.

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