Do I Look Illegal? Final Conclusion.

So, now that I stirred up a ton of "stuff" regarding race and immigration. And I understand that the biggest thing is the fact that illegal immigration is illegal.

Hence, like anything that is illegal, often people get stuck on the focus of the act being illegal. And legal is legal and illegal is illegal. Or is it? Really, isn't law just a majority view of what is right and wrong? Now, let's not go into conversation of morals and whatnot. We live in a country that runs as a democracy. People vote for the big guns who sit in congress and then people who sit in congress vote about laws. Yes, I paid attention in government class and yes, I know it's not quite that simple, but if I were to explain it to my five-year-old, that's what I would say.

However, like any "crime" that holds such a controversy, shouldn't we ask the question if the law is needing modified? What defines someone being an illegal immigrant and what determines if they have the "right" to live here. What do we have to gain from classifying people as legal or illegal? Does citizenship focus on citizenship and being a good citizen anymore, or is it more about financial gain? What's the goal and purpose of making illegal immigrants legal? What is not accomplished if they are living here illegally? Who are we to say that this person is allowed here and that person isn't? Are the systems in place the most logical and useful to allow people to become citizens, or are we really trying to keep people from being citizens? If many of the citizens of the US can't even pass the citizenship test, should we make the test easier or should we begin to "deport" people born as citizens?

Maybe we shouldn't be so stuck in our view of classifying people as "illegal" and "legal", but start thinking more about them as human beings. People who feel, think, love, hate, hurt, help, and screw up like the rest of us. I don't have all the answers, nor have I thought through the entire issue from front to back, inside to out, but I do think that many people have began to think of people who are illegal immigrants as something disposable, like objects or cattle. And, they are not. People are people are people. Period. So, we need to rethink something that may hurt millions of people. Change needs to be made.

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