Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Jose has this habit. I dunno if it's a bad habit, but it drives me batty. Maybe it's no biggie, but it's a personal pet peeve. And we fight about it. A lot. Like more than once a week.

He tends to fall asleep in the living room. A lot. On the floor. On the couch. On the chair.

And I generally notice and ask him politely to go lay upstairs or to go to bed. He then will look right at me and lie to my face. "I wasn't asleep." He gives me a dirty look and occassionally throws another line in, such as "I was resting my eyes" or "I was just watching the tv."

Then, less than five minutes later, he's snoring. I wake him again. Again, I hear him, "I wasn't sleeping."

"But you were snoring," I always say. Then I get another dirty look and he goes back to his nap.

As I type, we have just revisited this arguement. I don't care one bit that he's sleeping. It is midnight. But seriously, in the middle of the living room floor? Ugh.

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